So, what is a Spirited Life. A letter of love to you...
In my twenties, I was taught there was a difference between living a 'Wilful' life and a 'Spirited' Life.
And it's amazing, in light of all the personal development I've done, in the business place, the academic world, through studying books and courses, this one AMAZING concept has ALWAYS stuck with me. These principles became my compass, that which I've used to guide all my key life decisions, business decisions and career decisions.
The Spirited life isn't about religion, but it is about being able to make decisions and build a life that is absolutely aligned with the best possible scenario across multiple horizons. I haven't always got things perfectly 'right' but one thing I do know ... the work I've done on myself enables me to strengthen my sense of self, so I can help facilitate you accessing and living from your divine self.
So, what is a Spirited Life ...
A Spirited Life is a life that is spaciously lived from the inside out. It's a life where decisions are made based on a deep sense of connection to Self, who you are, what's important to you, and what you feel called to do, for now.
It's an ever evolving life, and sometimes it's not always easy, but it follows an internal 'knowing' of what is the best place for me to be right now.
The meaning of the world 'spirit' comes from the Latin word for 'breath'. And breath is life! It's that intangible part of who we are, that which inherently makes us our unique individual self, and yet somehow also connects us to others. It was thought to be the seat of our character, our mind or consciousness, and houses our psyche.
I don't need to know all the answers, but when I remain present with you, they unfold before you, in a time and way that enables you. The ultimate and as yet unattained quest of psychology is to understand what is consciousness. However, even if we don't know what it is exactly or how to measure it, I believe we are able to sense it. It requires us to create space, quieten ourselves and listen deeply within.
When we do this, we are able to access that which we believe is the 'right thing to do' and if we remain open, a path to our dreams can open up.
The way is not always linear and straight forward, but working together we support you to trust life, trust yourself, and act in your highest interest. Life is great at giving us feedback. So if we can strengthen our sense of self in order to be courageous enough to hear feedback, spirited feedback that comes from a place of caring and awareness, then we can get there, wherever 'there' may be for you. Different phases of life often focuses us with differing levels of emphasis at any time on career, business, giving back, personal relationships, and self-development, even if all happening at the same time. Courage begets courage. And yes...your Spirit can flourish.
The opposite to a Spirited life is a Wilful life. This is when we are living life from the outside in. It is driven by our ego, by fear and is about 'pushing' our way forward. We form protective mechanisms within, for which we can be grateful, but our aim is to build a level of internal safety to change our relationship within ourselves and thus change our lives. We may find we are taking actions, behaving in certain ways that aren't helpful because we are fearful. Hey, that's normal. Cue compassion!
My multi-dimensional role is client led. I am not singular in my approach as is often encouraged by various industry segments. Instead, Trained in psychology, therapy, coaching, change management, and teaching, I offer a fully synergistic approach to helping you Awaken and Reset.
I will give you a safe space both within your internal world and external world, to reflect deeply and ask what will feed and nourish you. Sometimes that's money and building a secure base. Taking a chance toward something you know you want and need, comes with encouragement and support.
They say a coach/therapist/change agent is someone who holds your true intention for you ... that helps you see and be who you truly are, facilitates your ability to problem-solve internal and external conflicts and build courage and clarity.
Even if you feel a bit fearful but just 'know' you need to do something, or if you feel you're being called to step up and live a life more daring, then perfect; if you're feeling conflicted, compulsive, or disconnected and are perhaps heading towards burnout, then NOW is the the perfect time to work with me and take time to reset by listening deeply and building the pathway to a Spirited Life. The transformation can be magical.
I certainly look forward to sharing the journey with you.